BLAST and Valve expand travel to six people for RMRs

In a quick reversal, BLAST will cover funding for one more person.

Earlier today, news surfaced that BLAST and Valve would not cover travel or lodging for coaches, or anybody past the five players in a team, for the upcoming RMR tournaments. The community was displeased with this announcement, with many coaches and CS:GO talent critiquing Valve and BLAST on the rule.

BLAST have now reversed course on the controversial move, and will cover travel and accommodations for six team members, as opposed to the initial five. There is no mention whether the member needs to be a coach, substitute, or whether they can be anyone, but it is assumed teams will either register their substitute or coach. Further team members can still be added as previously, and those will still be expensed to the teams themselves.

The following statement was provided to teams and press:

BLAST will now provide and pay for accommodation, flights, visas and catering for 6 team members.

Any additional members including substitutions or content staff flights and visas will be organised by BLAST at the expense of the team.

The change will now allow smaller teams such as yur, Detonate, and Fuscão 1500 to take a coach or substitute with them without needing to break the bank. Detonate were considering starting a fundraiser to raise money for their coach Joshua "m1cks" Micks to travel to Monterrey with the team, however, now he will be able to go along with the team as initially hoped.

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