Why the long face floppy, you did well!

Complexity re-enter Top 10, Liquid nipping at their heels

They lost only to the eventual tournament victors the whole event.

With Monday rolling around, HLTV's weekly rankings have been updated, now including EPL playoff matches the whole event's placements. Complexity finished in the top four of the event, taking down HEROIC, PERA, and Natus Vincere en route to a quarterfinal berth.

In the playoffs, Complexity continued the trend of flawless teams continuing on with a 2-0 sweep of Virtus.Pro. It was only in the semifinals where they would falter to the eventual tournament winners of MOUZ. Complexity went down swinging, though, taking a map off the young squad, which is more than grand finalists Vitality can say.

With the successful run in their back pocket, Complexity jumped from 210 to 331 rating points which helped the NA team climb from #11 to #8 in the world, according to HLTV.

Liquid, who also had a great event, jumped from #15 to #11, taking Complexity's old spot. At EPL, Liquid defeated FURIA, Monte, and FlyQuest, dropping to MOUZ in their group and Astralis in the quarterfinals for a 5-8th finish.

M80 too climbed, from #29 to #23 in the world, courtesy of an admirable group stage performance, taking down Sharks, G2, and TYLOO. They were, unfortunately, unable to make playoffs due to dual losses to BetBoom and a revenge loss against G2, but HLTV still recognizes M80's improvement as they continue to stretch the distance between them and the rest of NA.

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