House Rules
for user-posted comments on Dust2's News and Forums sections
We want to ensure that comments posted under our news articles and forum topics are tasteful, relevant and lawful. So, we have created these House Rules to give you an idea of things to avoid mentioning in your comments. Please read these rules carefully before posting any comments. Our Website administrators will moderate comments and may remove comments that are in violation of these rules. Your account may also be suspended for serious or repeated violations. All decisions of our Website administrators are final. In very exceptional cases, Dust2 may be legally compelled to reveal your account information to the authorities.
Now, onto the rules...
- No swearing or offensive language We want to keep Dust2 engaging for all of its users, and this kind of language could put people off using our comments sections.
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- NO CAPS LOCK IF YOU WRITE IN CAPS LOCK, IT LOOKS LIKE YOU ARE RAISING YOUR VOICE. We can hear you just fine without caps lock, so please take it off when writing your comments.
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