Limitless rifler finished ECL season playing on a cruise ship

When you gotta play, you gotta play.

Limitless had a difficult season in ESL Challenger League S47 as the squad only managed to pick up five wins across their 28 matches. Those wins were enough to help avoid being automatically relegated to Advanced, but they will still have to duke it out in Relegation next month.

However, for the last few matches against Party Astronauts and LAG, Limitless player Brennan "grape" Greer had to play on a laptop while on a cruise ship circling the Bahamas.

The player shared an image of his setup while on the cruise which included a laptop propped up against a mirror wall, a compact keyboard on the left, and a wireless mouse on the right.

"Horrible season of ECL from us, barely made relegation," grape said on X. "Not happy with results at all, but glad we can play to keep our spot. Played last 2 matches like this on a cruise ship because we weren’t allowed to reschedule + can’t use wildcard for last 2 games. ggs @ PA and LAG"

Limitless are set to play in the Relegation tournament this June where they hope to retain their spot in North America's top domestic division.

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