CS2 5/23 Update: See the changes to Vertigo

How do you like the Vertigo changes?

With Valve's newest update the developers have made a number of significant changes to Vertigo's A-site. For those of you who cannot hop on the computer right away, Jeffrey "Mnmzzz" Moore has gone on a sightseeing tour to take a look at the changes to one of Counter-Strike 2's most divisive (also of his favorite) maps.

The most significant change, and the one highlighted by Valve in their X post, shows a new door has been added that connects Side Hall/Lane directly to Elevator. This new opening should give CT players an easier time holding onto the A site and retaking it as it gives a new entry point and a more secure way to protect from a Side Hall rush, although the door can still be smoked off.

The new entryway into Elevator as shown from Side Hall. The second picture shows how a player could in theory hold a Side Hall push off (in this case with an AWP) all the way from CT spawn. It will likely become necessary to smoke off this entryway to prevent a crossfire being established between the Elevator/CT player and the Emo player.

Another change to the A-site has seen the catwalk extended all the way into Heaven, meaning players could theoretically flank onto site or into Heaven via this catwalk, removing the choke point at Heaven that is often smoked or molly'd off.

Finally, we have a view of Heaven from this new Catwalk, showing how far it extends into the backlines. CT snipers who aren't aware of their surroundings will likely risk being charged down by an adventurous Terrorist via this route. Additionally, the Catwalk will possibly make some plant spots on the A-site less safe for the Terrorists.

These are the most interesting areas we saw on our walking tour of the changes to Vertigo's A-site however there are definitely more gameplay changes that come with these map changes, so get exploring!

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