Grim talked a little about the paiN game and what went wrong

Grim explains Nuke pick and outside smoke mishaps

The Complexity rifler spoke with HLTV about the loss against a regional opponent.

Complexity has put themselves into an uncomfortable position today with a loss against regional rivals, paiN. The 16-4 loss on Nuke and emotionally devastating for a team that has looked strong throughout the week which included a win over GamerLegion and a 16-10 loss to G2.

With the loss so fresh, Michael "Grim" Wince spoke with Danish "Nohte" Allana to talk about the game. Below are snippits from the interview that explains why the team chose Nuke, especially when they lost previously to the Brazilians on the same map during the Americas RMR and what happened with the smokes in the first few rounds.

In speaking about the reason for the Nuke pick, Grim offered up an explanation. According to the player, they believed that the loss against paiN was down to individual mistakes, and something that they could have easily fixed in a second round.

We knew that in the last game in the RMR we made a bunch of sloppy mistakes, so we thought that this time we would not make the same mistakes we did that time. I'd say this time it was definitely more mistakes because we started CT side against paiN last time, and we talked mainly about the mistakes on our CT side.

We were honestly confident with the map, and I'm sure if we played them again we'd go with the same map, we're confident on the map but we just need to play better and up to our standards.

The other issue that fans noticed was that in the early rounds, they were exploited a few times with a seemingly missed smoke. While Grim didn't know how or why, considering they used it in practice so often, they were able to recognize that it was being exploited and they were swift to adjust.

...We've thrown that smoke wall a lot in practice and we've never died like that before, so maybe it's something that they found that other teams weren't abusing, or something to look at as maybe we're throwing the smoke the wrong way, but in practice that wasn't happening.

We picked up on it pretty early that they were one-waying it, so we had counters in mind if that happened again if we threw the same smoke and there was still a gap in it. Honestly, I'd say we definitely got caught off by it the first time, and the second time we were looking at it but we couldn't see him in the one-way, I tried spamming him. But yeah, I would say that is a new issue that I haven't seen before because that just hasn't been coming up in practice really.

The smoke mishaps led to multiple kills for paiN on the map, stopping Complexity's run and preventing the team from capitalizing on an early pistol. Since those first few rounds, the squad struggled to get things going and are now facing elimination.

Complexity will likely play Liquid tomorrow in an 1-2 matchup.

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