Possible new knives added to CS2

Files in the Counter-Strike 2 beta point towards new melee weapons.

Yesterday, Valve released a limited test for Counter-Strike 2. It changes maps, lighting, and even how grenades look and interact with the environment. However, one thing has stayed the same thus far: skins. Valve did alleviate concerns by ensuring that all CS:GO skins will be ported over to Counter-Strike 2, but one would think that such a huge update would bring new skins to the game as well.

Twitter user @gabefollower, who scoured through Counter-Strike files in the lead up to CS2's announcement and was the first to break news of the new subtick/tickless system, has found files in the beta release that point to two new melee weapons. He spotted files for a Kukri knife and Twinblade.

Both of these weapons would be new to Counter-Strike and would likely come with the inclusion of a new case to unbox said knives. Nothing has been revealed on which collection these knives would belong to, and thus which skin patterns they would have.

In addition to these knives, @gabefollower has also revealed new weapons and items that would likely be added to the battle royale game mode Danger Zone. He has shown files which hint at the addition of a pipe, a bear trap and an incendiary tripwire.

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#1(With 0 replies)
March 24, 2023 09:37AM
#2(With 0 replies)
March 24, 2023 01:52PM
I've never bought a knife. Maybe cs2 justifies finally taking that plunge.
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