Can dephh take this team back to Pro League?

Qualification & Relegation scenarios ahead of final ECL matchups

Who has secured playoffs, who might we be saying goodbye to?

The final day of ECL is upon us, with several teams in the hunt for playoffs, playoff seeding on the line, and three teams at risk for the auto-relegation spot. It's going to be a tight day of competition with the potential for several teams to change their final positions with just one night remaining in competition.

M80 have, unsurprisingly, gotten their groove back since returning from ECL and rocketed to the top of the table with two games in hand. They have the opportunity to earn the #1 seed if they win just one single game. Elsewhere, One More, Limitless, and MIGHT are all in danger of being auto-relegated, with MIGHT and Limitless stuck on just 15 points overall.

Let's take a look at each team, where they could finish, and what is the likely outcome for them.

United States Nouns - BEST: 1st / WORST: 4th

Nouns remain the league leaders, but they still could finish 4th should results go against them. With no matches to play tonight, they'll need to see if PA, Wildcard, and M80 can push them out of the top spot and the semifinal berth.

M80 - BEST: 1st / WORST: 4th

M80 have already secured a Top 4 placement thanks to their wins last night, which put them just above Nouns despite being tied on points. They are currently 2nd overall as they lost the head-to-head to Nouns, but can move to first with one single map win tonight. The worst they could end up is 4th, should they lose both games and both PA and Wildcard win both of their matches tonight.

United States PA - BEST: 1st / WORST: 6th

PA is currently 3rd, but could end up in first, depending on the results, as mentioned above. However, with NRG and Elevate nipping at their heels, it is entirely possible that they could end up further down the table purely on the head-to-head round differential.

United States Wildcard - BEST: 1st / WORST: 6th

Wildcard is in the same boat as PA as they are currently 4th, but could drop down even further depending on how the matches around the league go tonight. With Nouns the only one out of the Top 6 to not play, there could be a lot of movement for the playoff spots. Wildcard lost their head-to-head against NRG but is tied with Elevate, meaning that it will go to the overall map difference if necessary to determine their final standing.

United States NRG - BEST: 3rd / WORST: 6th

NRG has solidified itself as a top-six team in the region so far this season despite the roster changes that came earlier this year. The squad has been dominant so far, with Vincent "Brehze" Cayonte seeing his form come back as well. NRG need two wins tonight to get to 60 points and have a shot at third, but with the buffer below them, the furthest that they can fall to is sixth.

Brehze has been slowly coming back to form

United States Elevate - BEST: 3rd / WORST: 6th

One of the more feared teams to begin 2024 has lost a bit of steam towards the summer but can still remain deadly. Their 18 wins on the season are extremely strong against a very crowded field at the top. The squad still has a chance at third as they have the head-to-head against PA and are tied with Wildcard. Third would be a positive shock for the squad, but sixth is likely where this team will end up.

United States Mythic - BEST: 7th / WORST: 9th

Mythic was one of the first to finish their regular season matches and, in doing so, secured a 9th-place finish at minimum. The streaming squad had all the momentum to begin the year, but struggled down the stretch and finished with a 13-15 record. That was still good enough to get them 39 points and secure themselves a spot in the playoffs.

United States BOSS - BEST: 7st / WORST: 11th

BOSS have a worst-case scenario on their hands. If they lose both matches to Take Flyte tonight, they could be knocked out of the playoffs if Carpe Diem and LAG both sweep. It's unlikely for BOSS, but it is something to watch out for. As for Take Flyte, this is their opportunity to sneak in on the final day.

LAG - BEST: 7th / WORST: 11th

The young upstarts from Advanced were fighting amongst the best in the region to begin the year, but like Mythic, slowed down later on. While it is concerning, the squad remain highly competitive and have a chance to sneak into the playoffs. All they need to do is win one map against Limitless tonight and they will be home free. Worst-case? They're out in a disastrous scenario.

United States Carpe Diem - BEST: 8th / WORST: 11th

What a turnaround for Carpe Diem as the final buzzer looms. Those two wins against Nouns last week might be the entire catalyst for them making it into the playoffs. They have to face MIGHT in their final game, but they need both wins to ensure that they clear Take Flyte who hold the head-to-head record over them. However, they can only make 8th as Mythic holds the head-to-head over them.

wiz is looking to get into playoffs with his squad

United States Take Flyte - BEST: 8th / WORST: 11th

Take Flyte have done the one thing they absolutely hoped to do and that was to avoid relegation. They completely clear One More, Limitless, and MIGHT, but they also have a shot at making it into the playoffs as the 8th seed should they win both maps tonight against BOSS. However, no wins and they will be sitting on the sidelines for playoffs.

United States FLUFFY AIMERS - BEST: 12th / WORST: 13th

This is a nightmare scenario for FLUFFY AIMERS. They are just above the relegation zone with One More two losses behind, but because of the head-to-heads, they could be surpassed if young squad somehow upsets Wildcard in both maps tonight. With no more matches in hand, the squad will just have to stay tuned to the match pages and Twitch streams to see if they remain alive, or have to duke it out to save their spot.

United States One More - BEST: 12th / WORST: 15th

The tagline for One More tonight is "Just One More Win". Realistically and technically it's two wins, but you get the idea. One More, if they wish to avoid the relegation battle, have to win both their matches against Wildcard. Which is insane considering the form of both squads. It's not impossible, but it is definitely difficult. Now, they also have to fight because they could end up being auto-relegated should Limitless and MIGHT pull off some upsets.

United States Limitless - BEST: 13th / WORST: 15th

This is the battle of the bottom. The best that Limitless can do here is try to win as much as they can and avoid being auto-relegated. There is unfortunately no scenario where they avoid it, but hey, they can give it the good old college try and make sure that they have a fighting chance at least.

United States MIGHT - BEST: 13th / WORST: 15th

What a tough ending for Noah "Nifty" Francis in ECL this season. His MIGHT squad looked very promising but have fallen flat. Now, the squad has to go toe-to-toe with Carpe Diem in order to save their skin and give themselves a chance to avoid auto-relegation. There is a shot they pull it off, but it is not looking good for the team with Carpe Diem's recent form.

All the action kicks off tonight with games beginning at 07:00PM.

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