snav believes they could have made it to day three

snav: "We honestly should've won against ODDIK"

Elevate are quickly en route to Europe.

Elevate entered the RMR an unknown entity, with their star AWPer not present due to his passport being stolen. Unfortunately, they did go out 0-2, losing to Complexity and ODDIK in their two days at the event. After their elimination match,' Jeffrey "Mnmzzz" Moore spoke with their IGL Wyatt "snav" Phillippi to talk about the team, their performance, and future.

Please note that the full interview can be found below on YouTube or linked here, while the transcript has some key snippets from their conversation.

Pretty close game until the T-side on Overpass, what went wrong?

I'm not really sure. We prepared pretty hard for this game. One main thing we had for this game is that their B was weak, and it seems like they fixed it because every time we went there they just shut us down. They were playing really well.

Despite exiting early, this is still your first major LAN here, the RMR qualifiers for the Major. Even though you are out, what can you take away from the experience as a whole?

It's been a great experience. It's always been something we've wanted to do, me, Derek and Shane, at least. The last two RMR qualifiers we'd go 2-3 or be so close to qualifying and just wouldn't make it. Even though we lost, at least we played a good game against ODDIK, especially with a substitute. I can't be too mad about it, it's fine.

Ahead of the RMR, you were picked up by Elevate. Previously you have been on small NA orgs, so is this a landmark step in your career?

Elevate reached out to us during the last BLAST Showdown qualifier we played, we were doing really well. It was after we beat Nouns or something, and after that, when we qualifier for BLAST, is when we came to an agreement. It wasn't that big of a surprise for us since we were doing really well, qualifier for the RMR and beating really good teams. It just happened like that.

After this, you're heading to England to bootcamp for the BLAST Spring Showdown. Is that your first European bootcamp in your career?

I've never even been to Europe in my life [laughs]. It's definitely gonna be fun and we're going on March 5th after this event.

You've had a wild ride the last 18 months, going from being banned an pariahs in the NA scene to the Americas RMR. What do you think about that turnaround and what's next for you guys?

It's kinda what I expected, cause after we got banned, that's not the people we were. We're gonna show people that we can change. I also knew that me, Derek and Shane, we've been playing together for I don't even know how long, six years or something like that. I knew the whole time we're good enough to be here. We're gonna have to do well against these teams, we honestly should've won against ODDIK here today.

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