zews has had "persistent" visa issues re-entering the United States

Liquid withdraw from DreamHack Winter

The team cited visa issues and the long-term health of the team as reasons for the decision.

DreamHack and Team Liquid issued a joint statement earlier today, stating that the North American powerhouse would not be attending the event in Jönköping, which they had been invited to.

Citing visa issues that coach Wilton "zews" Prado has experienced when trying to re-enter the United States from international events, Liquid stated that they are now trying to address the situation once and for all.

The team went on to say that they "must make sacrifices for the long-term health of our team", and are dissatisifed with their current level.

The news comes as Liquid are in attendance at the Americas Minor in Toronto, where they breezed through their group on Day 1 to claim a spot in the playoffs.

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EU Qualifier NA Qualifier

The North American open qualifier for DreamHack Winter will be held on November 11, eight teams will progress from there to the closed qualifier the next day. Teams can register for the qualifier on ESEA.

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