To catch more of this beautiful smile, you'll have to tune into steel's livestreams

Former Liquid rifler retires

steel hangs up the mouse and keyboard.

Lucas "steel" Lopes has announced his retirement from professional competiiton, citing an inability to return to top-tier competitions.

In an interview with Dust2 Brasil, steel goes through the reasons for his change, saying it was difficult to find motivation to continue playing with his individual form lacking, preventing him from playing on LAN events and tier one events: "Competition stopped being fun for me, like it was during my time with Immortals and Liquid, when we’d often go to LAN events and compete in tier-one tournaments." Now, steel will focus on livestreaming and content creation as the next stage of his career.

steel spent a good portion of his career in North America on teams such as Keyd Stars, Luminosity, and Immortals when Brazilian teams often took residency in the region, not to mention his time on Liquid. steel's time on Liquid was only a short-lived few months but during that time with Nick "nitr0" Cannella, Keith "NAF" Markovic, Russel "Twistzz" Van Dulken, and Jonathan "EliGE" Jablonowski, he won CS Summit 2, which included taking down his fellow Brazilians in SK.

steel made the playoffs of four Majors, exiting in the quarterfinals once with Keyd and twice with Luminosity before making the grand finals of PGL Major Krakow 2017 with Immortals, losing to Gambit in the final match.

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