ESL axes NA invite slot for Cologne & Katowice

NA have lost guaranteed invites for two of the most important events of the year.

ESL revealed changes to its slot distribution for the upcoming 2024 ESL schedule, which sees North America having its dedicated invite allocation for IEM Cologne and IEM Katowice cut in half. In its place, ESL has decided to increase the number of Global ESL World Ranking invites which comes at the detriment of a region that has been long decimated by the decision to remove its regional Pro League and moving more events away from the United States.

The decision to reduce the spots for North America comes at a time when more organizations are rumored to be re-entering the space.

Nouns, Wildcard, M80, and soon NRG are making efforts within the region by creating and supporting North American teams with salaries, boot camps, and all sorts of services. Removing the number of qualification spots for North American teams makes entering the region less enticing.

With Liquid looking to come back to the Americas region with their expected pickups of Russel "Twistzz" Van Dulken and Felipe "skullz" Medeiros, the squad will likely compete with Complexity for the ESL World Ranking NA spot if neither is in the Top 8 of the ESL World Ranking at the time of slot allocation.

Beyond that, it becomes more challenging for teams like Nouns, Wildcard, and M80 to be able to earn those spots as they do not compete at the international level nearly as much.

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#1(With 0 replies)
November 17, 2023 12:32PM
#2(With 4 replies)
November 17, 2023 01:00PM
I'm not as upset about losing the spot as I could be, especially since that means more teams from the overall rankings, but they should have cut down on the EU spots as well.

They already fill up most of the world ranking, so there's no sense in giving them the extra guaranteed spots. The other issue is inviting Complexity as the sole NA team regardless of their overall standing. Those regional invites should be outside of the top world rankings.
#3(With 3 replies)
November 17, 2023 02:37PM
Well col is a partnered team so the regional would be a m80/ eg or nouns
#6(With 2 replies)
November 17, 2023 02:46PM
With Liquid potentially coming back to the Americas they will also kinda force the issue. The thing is the NA World Ranking spot goes to the best NA team if they are not one of the five WR spots given a spot in the group stage.

So essentially, either complexity or liquid will always get it.
#7(With 1 replies)
November 17, 2023 02:55PM
Ngl I'm so used to epl/ blast format I forgot Iem is actually unique that's just dumb then NA SA and Asia got 1sppt each then EU got 3 dedi eu spot which is just redundant at that point
#10(With 0 replies)
November 17, 2023 03:51PM
Yeah, replace those EU spots with regular world ranking spots and there's a world where at least 2 NA teams could qualify by being in the top 15 rankings (with one of them via the NA ranking).
#4(With 0 replies)
November 17, 2023 02:38PM
fuck esl
#5(With 1 replies)
November 17, 2023 02:38PM
Sigh it's what ever last year of partner teams they tryna get all they money they can I just want to see the non partnered format tbh
#8(With 0 replies)
November 17, 2023 02:57PM
Asia off line quali is cool tho need that for Atlanta and Dallas
#9(With 0 replies)
November 17, 2023 03:44PM
Man this sucks
#11(With 1 replies)
November 18, 2023 01:12PM
Once again making it almost impossible for NA teams to thrive in a competitive scene. You want stronger regions? GIVE THEM ALL THE SAME CHANCES YOU GIVE EU!
#12(With 0 replies)
November 21, 2023 02:48PM
#13(With 0 replies)
November 22, 2023 04:53PM
good job esl :D
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