How to still play CS:GO

It is possible to play the older version of the game.

Valve released the newest version of Counter-Strike last night, aptly titled "Counter-Strike 2" which came in the form of a forced update to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. With this action, fans of the previous iteration of the game no longer are able to easily access the game. Many initially believed that it would be impossible to play CS:GO, however Valve have allowed the community access to a workaround so that they can still play.

While matchmaking is disabled in this version of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, the community servers are still able to function which allows fans of the game to still play if they so desire.

In order to play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, you'll need to do the following:

  1. Head to your Steam library and right-click on "Counter-Strike 2"

  2. Select "Properties" at the bottom of the dropdown menu

  3. With the window that pops up, navigate to "Betas" and select that menu

  4. In the "Betas" menu, navigate to the dropdown menu next to "Beta Participation" and select "csgo_demo_viewer"

  5. Once selected, this will begin a 12gb update.

  6. Following the successful update, when hitting "Play", a menu will pop up. Select "Play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (Demo, viewer, 2023)".

  7. You will now be in CS:GO and can enter community servers through the console.

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