ESL Impact Season 4 NA Week 2 - Highlights and Recap

No upsets to talk about, yet.

Week 2 has started to show a rift between the top teams looking to maintain a spot for the next season and the rest of the field. It is likely this rift will close a bit, due to the top four teams playing each other, but, as of now, they are pulling ahead.

In this article you can find a recap of the four series of the week, the top three highlights and performers of the games.

FlyQuest RED are continuing to flex their muscles as they defeated Tsunami Sirens with a 16-5 Mirage, and a 16-6 Overpass. Shimmer are not letting FlyQuest RED run away and have also beaten Hyperion 16-12 in Mirage and 16-11 in Inferno.

The second day started scary for Karma as they were down 8-1 but managed to win Cherry Bombs' Inferno 16-9 and their own Overpass 16-2. Evil Geniuses Gold also had a scare after winning Inferno 16-8, the team lost Overpass 16-9 to Totsugeki but managed to close the series 16-4 in Nuke.

Top 3 Performances

#1 Coline "Kaoday" Le Floc'h - FlyQuest RED & Canada Amanda "rain" Smith - Karma

Once again, the French AWPer takes the first step of the podium, this time alongside the Canadian rifler. Both players had very similar statlines and both finished their series with a 1.84 rating. Kaoday had 46 kills and 118.6 ADR, while rain had 48 kills and 106.7 ADR.

#2 United States Lucy "empathy" Verkaik - Shimmer

empathy also goes up a step in the list, as she went up some levels in her gameplay since last week. From 48 kills in Week 1 to 64 kills in Week 2 against Hyperion. Don't forget that the series only had two maps, which makes this an even more amazing feat. empathy also had the highest ADR during this week, 122.1.

#3 Olga "olya" Kryvulych

olya is the only new entry in this top three performers of the week. This spot could have also been taken by Vivienne "BiBiAhn" Quach, but it ultimately went to olya due to her and Karma having less time together, compared to FlyQuest RED and BiBiAhn, and still looking as solid as a rock. olya has been very consistent since the open qualifier, with incredible numbers like her 40 kills, 108.2 ADR from this week.

Top 3 Highlights

#1 United States Lynn "Lx" Clarke (Shimmer) - 2v4 4K clutch

Although it was a 2v4, Lx's teammate was not able to help more than give information, as the rifler took down the four members of Hyperion in a very quick time span.

#2 Coline "Kaoday" Le Floc'h (FlyQuest RED) - 3K flank

This will not be the last time Kaoday appears, be aware. The French AWPer, with an AK-47 this time, was extra sneaky and got behind enemy lines to get a triple kill and close the map.

#3 Coline "Kaoday" Le Floc'h (FlyQuest RED) - AWP Collateral 2K

Yet again, Kaoday makes her presence known, this time during the early rounds of the same map. A clean shot taking down two Tsunami Sirens players, gave FlyQuest RED a 5v3 lead in the round.

Shot of the week - United States Elena "Ellie" Garland (Karma) - Crisp one-tap HS

This week's shot of the week goes to Ellie from Karma for nailing a beautiful HS onto the hero AWP from Hailey "Swan" Pflughoft of Cherry Bombs.

Week 2 Results

United States Shimmer 2-0 United States Hyperion
Tsunami Sirens 0-2 FlyQuest RED
United States Cherry Bombs 0-2 United States Karma
United States Totsugeki 1-2 United States Evil Geniuses Gold

Week 3 Schedule

FlyQuest RED vs. United States Hyperion - Wednesday 07:30PM
Tsunami Sirensvs. United States Totsugeki - Wednesday 07:30PM
United States Cherry Bombs vs. United States Shimmer - Thursday 07:30PM
United States Karma vs. United States Evil Geniuses Gold - Thursday 07:30PM

Standings after Week 2

1st - FlyQuest RED - 2-0
2nd - United States Evil Geniuses Gold - 2-0
3rd - United States Karma - 2-0
4th - United States Shimmer - 2-0
5th - United States Hyperion - 0-2
6th - Tsunami Sirens - 0-2
7th - United States Totsugeki - 0-2
8th - United States Cherry Bombs - 0-2

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