zNf talks Copenhagen Games, MDL and cultural differences

zNf: "I miss playing in Europe already"

Though Donovan "zNf" Froid and his mix did not advance to the BYOC playoffs, he is still hopeful for their showing in the B tournament.

Whilst at Copenhagen Games, we caught up with Donovan "zNf" Froid just after his team Ferrari Peek Gods missed out on a playoffs slot after losing to Norwegian team Nux in the deciding game.

zNf - As part of a mix team, how has your tournament been so far?

We've been taking every round in a relaxed environment. We're not looking towards too much in our goals, but we are trying to win at least.

So you've gone out in your group and been sent to the B tournament tomorrow, what are your hopes and expectations for how it'll go?

I think we'll do pretty well in the B-tournament, at least I don't plan to do bad in it. From my understanding, it's just a bunch of teams who got moved down from their group brackets so depending on how we play we could do really well in it. We don't know who we will be playing yet so can't say much more.

Having played on European teams before, somehow this is your first Copenhagen Games, what has the experience and atmosphere been like for you?

At least for us, so far everything has gone on time to my knowledge. Pretty much everything has been smooth, I'd have hoped for a little bit more room on this table but you can't really help that too much. Overall the environment's pretty clean, a lot of good people, got to meet a load of people as well. It's a nice environment to be in.

How did this mix come together?

So I know Anja "anja" Soelberg and her teammate Anne "Lowlita" Starke, Anja wanted to play at Copenhagen Games and Lowlita asked me if I wanted to play it. I said sure, but it took a while to find two other people to join us, before finding Emil "RaXXa" Højlund and Mikkel "KENZYY" Karlsson. I practiced a little bit back in NA but couldn't get much in due to my other matches and the time shift, as well as the ping difference.

You've recently finished your latest ESEA MDL season with Most Wanted, narrowly missing out on playoffs. How has that been and what's next?

We missed out on playoffs by one win, the loss against AZIO is what I want to say cost us the most. Overall, since we picked up Robert "robby" Brown we've only lost two games after the initial match we picked him up, which was against Torqued. Overall, I think we finished the ESEA season very well. Going into CEVO we play Swole Patrol in a best-of-three April 2nd.

For the next season I believe our entire roster will be staying together, although I can't say much on the others if they're changing or anything but that's my opinion.

You've played in Europe before, when you were stationed in Germany. What do you believe are the main differences between how the two regions play?

In Europe, people play a lot slower and more methodical and North America seems like people play off of a little bit of information and try to immediately aggress off of that, even if it might be the bad play. 

Do you have anything else to add?

Not really. I'm here to play CS, have fun and enjoy my time. I miss playing in Europe already, the people are a lot better I'll tell you that.

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