Patsi should arrival in Malta to help his teammates out

Patsi poised for late arrival to EPL

After initially being ruled out, Patsi should hopefully arrive mid-tournament.

Liquid's Russian rifler, Robert "Patsi" Isyanov, was initially reported to be missing ESL Pro League Season 18 due to issues with his passport, requiring Damian "daps" Steele to stand in for the youngster. However, as first reported by Russian insider, Alexey "OverDrive" Birukov, Patsi is now reportedly to arrive to Malta in time to play Liquid's third series in the league.

Corroborating OverDrive's reporting, Patsi told that he believes he should "for sure" be in Malta to play Liquid's third series. Additionally, Patsi said that optimistically he may be able to arrive earlier than that, however it all depends on the arrival of his passport in the mail.

Patsi's passport was working its way through the US government bureaucracy as the 20-year-old has been looking to acquire an American visa, allowing him to attend NA events and visit Liquid's facilities in Los Angeles. The arrival of Patsi will come as a massive relief to Liquid and its fans as the team look to make a strong run at ESL Pro League Season 18 after a mixed debut with their European majority roster post Paris Major.

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