Does CS:GO have cross-play?

The ever-popular Valve game is available on several platforms, but is the play cross platform?

Since the introduction of Counter-Strike in November 8, 2000, the game itself has undergone several iterations. The first "real" edition is considered to CS 1.6, which was followed up by Counter-Strike: Condition Zero in March 2004 and was produced by Turtle Rock Studios.

Valve then released their new version called Counter-Strike: Source which was run off the new Source engine in 2005. Finally, Counter Strike: Global Offensive was published in 2012 on PC, Xbox, and Playstation 3.

While the game was released in 2012 on all platforms, it does not support cross-platform place. Those playing on Playstation, Xbox, and PC can only play on servers with individuals on a similar platform. PC and Mac users are able to play in the same lobby so long as are using active Steam accounts.

While you can play CS:GO on the Xbox and Playstation, the games stopped receiving updates only a year after publication with Valve choosing to focus on the expanding PC playerbase than the console versions.

The games on console look like archaic versions compared to the current PC edition, with many CS:GO fan not even remembering those games existed.

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