Valve goes after OPSkins over ExpressTrade service

The game developer doesn't want anyone taking a piece of their pie, the trading site alleges.

Two days ago, Valve posted a statement regarding OPSkins and their ExpressTrade service, asserting that OPSkins have broken the Steam Subscriber Agreement, and they asked OPSkins to cease use of Valve's intellectual property.

OPSkins have now released their own statement discussing the decision and what they plan to do. They stated that users should withdraw their items before the OPSkins bots are disabled on June 21st.

OPSkins then went on to criticize Valve for what the site believe to be an attempt by the game developer to drive traffic to their own Steam Community Market. They also provided a comparison between the Market and their own services.

The rest of the statement comprised of OPSkins explaining their future plans, which include moving towards non-Steam games. As a final bit, they stated that they will work with Valve to try and find a solution.

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