No slaxz-ing this time around

What to expect from M80 v. G2, again

Should we see another three map double OT thriller?

It was hard enough for NA fans to watch M80 as they barely were able to close out the victory against G2, but to make them do it again is just torture. It's impossible to know if G2 just underestimated the North Americans, or maybe they were actually that good. Maybe it was just a really good day for Mario "malbsMd" Samayoa and an awful day for Nikola "NiKo" Kovač. Who knows. Counter-Strike is a fickle beast.

M80's impressive teamplay

It's actually more than impressive to see how Elias "s1n" Stein has already lead this team to some impressive wins and close battles amongst Europe's best teams while also ensuring that they close out games they are favored in. At every point throughout the week a different member of the most international North American roster has stood up as a top-fragger and a game changer.

  • Four out of five players have a 1.10+ HLTV Rating

  • reck is proving to be one of the best support players from the US

  • Swisher is adjusting to his new CT anchor roles

  • DO NOT let slaxz- get hot. Just don't.

G2's worrying state

Mongolz and then a team from North America that really hasn't impressed yet on the international stage. Two squads that G2 should have comfortably beaten have taken them to the brink. A victory over Falcons would normally be impressive, but given their current issues, we cannot draw any conclusions from it. Is this a G2 that M80 should still be concerned about, or maybe even be favored to beat?

  • m0NESY is dragging his team kicking and screaming to wins

  • HooXi has a 1.22 Rating for opening kills... Something to watch for?

  • CT defenses are poor for the team as a whole

Previous Matchups

They played once before on that match that lasted nearly five hours just a few days ago. M80 came out the winners when they weren't expected to. Could they do it again?

Likely Vetoes

Honestly, I don't see anything really wrong with the veto that happened the first time. I even think that we might see the same maps but there will definitely be different results.

  • G2 ban Mirage

  • M80 ban Nuke

  • G2 pick Inferno

  • M80 pick Ancient

  • Decider is Vertigo, once again.

I think that both teams will be watching their previous match again noting more and more mistakes and opportunities where they could have won. For G2, it will be their experience that drives them towards reaching the same conclusion, while for M80, they will want to play what they know they have and could beat G2 on.

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