F1-racecar-PEEK win Dust2.us Open #1

The MDL mix emerged victorious to claim a spot in the Dust2.us Masters #1.

F1-racecar-PEEK (formerly known as ex-Morior Invictus) have won the Dust2.us Open #1, after defeating Big Daddys 16-13 on Overpass.

24 teams signed up for a chance to join the Dust2.us Masters #1 along with top MDL teams Rise Nation and GX, including Tempo Storm SE and Heaven's Devils. The Swedes, who were fielding Dane Nicolai "glace" Jensen, were defeated in a shocking upset by Big Daddys, the eventual finalists.

The final itself was played out on Overpass, where F1RP got out to an early lead. However, Jacob "L0NER" Webster and his men were able to scratch back and make the game competitive before ultimately falling.

The team list for the $1,500 Dust2.us Masters #1 is now:

United States GX Canada Rise Nation
Invite Invite
Invite Invite
F1-racecar-PEEK Open #2

The top four of the event were:

1. United States F1-racecar-PEEK (lanhero, huynh, tropiiical, KLUMZ, retchy)
2. United States Big Daddys (denya, 1west, L0NER, Charybdis, Reality)
3-4. United States Heaven's Devils (becker, Hyper, Grave, EkujukE, knarf)
3-4. United States CS:GO Stats (EndeV, swafer, MEs, SufixKwT, just_2ez)

For teams that are still looking for a chance to take on the [semi-]pros, don't forget that we will be running the Dust2.us Open #2 next weekend, December 9th. You can sign up for that event here.

Thank you to all the teams that came out today, and to Magic Helmet for casting the action! Don't forget to follow our channel on Twitch!

Tomorrow, the next two invites to the Dust2.us Masters #1 will be revealed!

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#1(With 1 replies)
December 2, 2017 09:02PM
Dust2 Birthday cake!
Insider, writer, owner, tournament administrator - is there anything I can't do?
#2(With 0 replies)
December 2, 2017 09:10PM
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Proof Reader? Kappa <3
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