nbgee12 unbanned from ESEA leagues after three years
Elevate RMR stand-in Adam "nbgee12" Zanzoul has seen his ESEA league ban manually lifted this morning. The timbermen super stand-in and NA CS character was originally banned from the league for 100 years (a lifetime ban for all but the most committed), due to evading a previous ban for malicious activity.
nbgee12 has floated around the scene in recent years, mostly as a stand-in for the timbermen, now Elevate, core at a variety of LANs in the United States. Notably, he played with the squad at Fragicago which they ultimately won. It is generally understood that he has helped Wyatt "snav" Phillippi and co. financially while getting to experience some degree of competitive CS owing to his near-life sentence barring him from competing in ESEA leagues.
Players with ESEA bans had those punishments carried over to FACEIT following the acquisition of both platforms in 2021 by Savvy Games Group and the eventual move of the ESEA league onto the FACEIT website in 2023.
In speaking with a representative from FACEIT, nbgee12's ban was manually lifted after internal discussions. Reasons for why it was manually lifted were not given, however ESL have been gradually moving away from permanent bans on their platform for all but the most serious breaches.
nbgee12 was also recently unbanned on paper from the FACEIT Pro League after he was banned for matchfixing the FPL-C qualifier.
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