Protesters were swiftly taken down

Protest organizer promised rioters "thousands" to rush stage

The protest interrupted the Major for approximately 30 minutes.

Tonight's protest which saw several people rush the stage during the MOUZ v. G2 quarterfinal match of the PGL Copenhagen CS2 Major, was encouraged by a Counter-Strike skin site owner. Throughout a three-hour live stream on Kick, the owner continued to encourage those in attendance at the event to rush the stage and disrupt the match while G2 was playing.

The insistence on interrupting the G2 match was the focus regarding CSGORoll, another CS skin site that offers gambling and skin trading and current sponsor of the organization.

During the live stream, the owner continuously offered viewers "thousands" for those who would rush to the stage and take part in the interruption. More disturbingly, the individual also claimed to be offering attendees handcuffs and glue to create potential further disturbances within the arena. You can watch the last seventeen minutes of the live stream below.

Within the first few minutes of the video, the host offers thousands to those who would rush the stage. In the rambling livestream, the individual says that the money will only be given to those who are being carried away by security. Additionally, he referred to hiring "Ukrainian refugees" if the protest did not happen this evening.

It was not made clear exactly how the money would be paid to those who rushed the stage, if contact details or genuine arrangements had been made, or if any other specifics explained in the stream would actually be carried out.

In response, PGL has said that they will press charges against all those who trespassed onto the stage, including breaking the trophy.

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