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ESL use ECL Relegation invite for first time

You could say that Relegation will really bring the paiN.

Players discovered today that ESL used a rare invite for ECL Relegation for paiN who withdrew from the Season 42 of ECL as they traveled to Brazil to prepare for the IEM Rio Major. knows that at the time, when paiN withdrew from the league they were offered an opportunity to re-gain entry into ECL via Relegation invite.

The news of the invite was not formally announced, however this has been a long-standing agreement between ESL and paiN. ESL allowed the Brazilians to travel back home before the IEM Rio Major and to skip the most recent season. Additionally, there were concerns regarding the visa status of Romeu "zevy" Rocco and Felipe "skullz" Medeiros which required the team to spend more time in their home country. While the agreement was known by a number of people within the scene, it appears that did not include everyone.

Some players, like EX CINERE's Nikolaos "PoseidoNN" Antoniou, were not aware that paiN would be coming back home. As a result, their chance at Relegation went up in smoke. ESEA Advanced playoffs are still on-going, so the final bracket is not yet set, however ECL Relegation begins tomorrow evening and will end on December 18th.

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