Cloud9 set to undergo major changes - Reports
With Jake "Stewie2K" Yip reportedly set to join the Brazilian side, Epitacio "TACO" de Melo is set to go the other way. According to a report from DBLTAP, the team would either act as a straight trade or involve buy-outs for both players.
According to Flickshot.fr's neL, TACO is also undergoing conversations with Liquid. So far, it looks as if the player is set for a move to one of the two giants in North American CS.
Speaking of Liquid, according to another report from DBLTAP released not too long afterwards, the American side are looking to replace their long-term AWP'er Tyler "Skadoodle" Latham, with Josh "jdm64" Marzano being the preferred choice.
As per the report, both jdm64 and TACO have been seen practicing as of late with Cloud9. As such, this would leave the roster as:
Timothy "autimatic" Ta
Tarik "tarik" Celik
Will "RUSH" Wierzba
Josh "jdm64" Marzano
Epitacio "TACO" de Melo