
Renegades vs. Liquid tips & odds

cs_summit 4
May 25, 2019May 25, 2019
11 - 16
Justin 'jks' Savage
Australia jks
Aaron 'AZR' Ward
Australia AZR
Joakim 'jkaem' Myrbostad
Jay 'Liazz' Tregillgas
Australia Liazz
Owen 'smooya' Butterfield
United Kingdom smooya
Win streak
Nick 'nitr0' Cannella
United States nitr0
Jonathan 'EliGE' Jablonowski
United States EliGE
Russel 'Twistzz' Van Dulken
Canada Twistzz
Keith 'NAF' Markovic
Canada NAF
Jake 'Stewie2K' Yip
United States Stewie2K
Win streak
Renegades K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
Australia Aaron 'AZR' Ward 18 - 15 +3 66.4 77.8% 1.08
Australia Justin 'jks' Savage 14 - 21 -7 66.7 63.0% 0.86
United Kingdom Owen 'smooya' Butterfield 15 - 18 -3 58.0 63.0% 0.85
Australia Jay 'Liazz' Tregillgas 13 - 17 -4 57.3 63.0% 0.80
Joakim 'jkaem' Myrbostad 13 - 22 -9 60.1 55.6% 0.76
Liquid K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
United States Nick 'nitr0' Cannella 31 - 15 +16 123.2 81.5% 1.72
Canada Keith 'NAF' Markovic 19 - 12 +7 67.7 77.8% 1.21
United States Jonathan 'EliGE' Jablonowski 16 - 17 -1 63.0 63.0% 1.01
Canada Russel 'Twistzz' Van Dulken 12 - 12 +0 59.8 74.1% 0.98
United States Jake 'Stewie2K' Yip 14 - 17 -3 55.3 70.4% 0.91
Renegades K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
Australia Aaron 'AZR' Ward 18 - 15 +3 66.4 77.8% 1.08
Australia Justin 'jks' Savage 14 - 21 -7 66.7 63.0% 0.86
United Kingdom Owen 'smooya' Butterfield 15 - 18 -3 58.0 63.0% 0.85
Australia Jay 'Liazz' Tregillgas 13 - 17 -4 57.3 63.0% 0.80
Joakim 'jkaem' Myrbostad 13 - 22 -9 60.1 55.6% 0.76
1 - 0
2 - 0
3 - 0
4 - 0
5 - 1
6 - 7
7 - 7
8 - 8
9 - 8
10 - 15
11 - 15
4 - 1
5 - 2
5 - 3
5 - 4
5 - 5
5 - 6
5 - 7
7 - 8
9 - 9
9 - 10
9 - 11
9 - 12
9 - 13
9 - 14
9 - 15
11 - 16
Liquid K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
United States Nick 'nitr0' Cannella 31 - 15 +16 123.2 81.5% 1.72
Canada Keith 'NAF' Markovic 19 - 12 +7 67.7 77.8% 1.21
United States Jonathan 'EliGE' Jablonowski 16 - 17 -1 63.0 63.0% 1.01
Canada Russel 'Twistzz' Van Dulken 12 - 12 +0 59.8 74.1% 0.98
United States Jake 'Stewie2K' Yip 14 - 17 -3 55.3 70.4% 0.91
Match info

The CS2 match between Renegades and Liquid is a part of cs_summit 4 and was played May 25, 2019 08:00PM

Renegades was ranked 10 in the world at the time going up against Liquid who was ranked 2 in the world.

The following maps were played: Dust2

Renegades's match lineup
jks, AZR, jkaem, Liazz and smooya
Liquid's match lineup
nitr0, EliGE, Twistzz, NAF and Stewie2K
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