Complexity continue to explore the UK for talent

Complexity looking across the pond to keita

The British observer and coach and American organization may soon strike a deal.

When Complexity finally loaded into a server during today's qualifier for IEM Chicago, there was a surprising person filling their coach slot — none other than current Chaos coach Jamie "keita" Hall. knows that the Brit and Complexity have not made things official yet, though negotiations are underway.

It would be expected that Matt "Warden" Dickens, who has maintained the title of manager since the departure of Ron "Rambo" Kim, would remain with the team in that capacity.

keita is probably most known for his work with FACEIT as an observer, working throughout five ECS seasons and the FACEIT London Major late last year. In addition to this, he embarked on a coaching career in mid-2017, having worked with Method, Epsilon, and currently Swedish MDL team Chaos.

If the move were to occur, Complexity's lineup would look as follows:

  • Rory "dephh" Jackson
  • United States Shahzeb "ShahZaM" Khan
  • Australia Ricardo "Rickeh" Mulholland
  • United States Hunter "SicK" Mims
  • United States Owen "oBo" Schlatter
  • Jamie "keita" Hall (Coach)
  • United States Matt "Warden" Dickens (Manager)

The addition of keita would mark the continuation of Complexity's association with the UK. It would also be a reunion of sorts for the former player and Rory "dephh" Jackson, as the pair played together on CAZ in 2015, immediately preceding dephh joining the American organization.

Though keita and Complexity were handed a rough loss by Envy today in the IEM Chicago Closed Qualifier, they will have another crack at LAN tomorrow with the ESL One New York Closed Qualifier.

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