how to find my sens?
December 18, 2017 01:46PM
hola muchachos,

how can I find my "perfect sens" ? I watched corehaven's video but I still dont cant find my sens, my sens with his method is arround ~1.8 but it feels so damn off.
#1(With 0 replies)
December 18, 2017 04:10PM
Choose your sens
#2(With 1 replies)
December 18, 2017 06:59PM
Dust2 Birthday cake!
How many hours do you have in the game right now? If you've just switched off of another one that you've used for a while, the change will feel very awkward and not right.

It may feel the same way if you are new to the game as well, as you aren't used to the game mechanics and the difference between different games.

Just try and use a sensitivity for a few days and see how it does under certain engagements.

See how well it works in long distance situations where you need smaller crosshair adjustments, close range when you need to aim quickly, movement around corners (if you know strafing and stuff), etc.

For me, when I was in Silver over 1000 hours ago, I played on 1000 DPI and like 5 sensitivity (5000 EDPI is absolutely ridiculous. I eventually lowered it down over time and now I found my perfect sensitivity of 1000 dpi and 1.3 sensitivity (1300 EDPI, much more reasonable). It took me a few months to find my perfect sens, and it still took a while to adjust for it, so just stick with one and see how it does in situations, and then change it to make it balanced for everything so you're an all-round player.

Hope this helped! :D
#7(With 0 replies)
December 21, 2017 04:18PM
I have atm 2500 Hours, I never tried it with lowering from high sens like sens 3 and lowering it all few days. maybe I should try that.
#3(With 1 replies)
December 19, 2017 10:44AM
" Feels off " Can you elaborate?

Is it going too fast, too slow or anything else?
#5(With 0 replies)
December 21, 2017 04:07PM
it feels sometimes to slow, and when I go over 2.5 sens it feels to fast.
#4(With 1 replies)
December 19, 2017 12:41PM
Dust2 Birthday cake!
Aim is mostly muscle memory. Stick with it for a while, if it still feels totally uncomfortable after a few weeks then look to change it.
#6(With 0 replies)
December 21, 2017 04:15PM
ik that dude :D, my problem is I never feel comfortable with my sens thats why I change it.
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